Friday, November 18, 2005

Mineta Reassures New York City on Amtrak

United States Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta made a speech in New York City Thursday morning November 17 stating the Bush administration’s stance on the future of Amtrak and the Northeast Corridor. Details on Secretary Mineta speech are here:

Mineta Tries to Reassure City on Amtrak

Some excerpts from the speech:

"We are willing to provide federal funds to build and repair tracks, just as we spend taxpayer money to build and repair highways, runways, and subway lines. We are willing to invest federal funds in train stations and switching equipment, just as we invest in exit ramps, air traffic control towers, and new transit depots every day."

"And yes, we want to spend federal funds to improve the tracks, tunnels, bridges, and stations along the Northeast Corridor, which we recognize is vital – not just to New York and the other communities along the route, but also to the economic health of this Nation. But we are not willing to continue funding the current system."

Full transcript of Mineta's speech:

Other stories on Mineta's speech:


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