Saturday, November 15, 2008

Amtrak CEO Alex Kummant Resigns

Tom Acitelli of The New York Observer reports that Amtrak CEO Alex Kummant Resigns citing an AP article from the NY Times. This story in the New York Times states that Kummant and Amtrak's board ''had differences in strategic direction and management philosophy.''

Things were pretty good under his two year tenure with record ridership and revenue for Amtrak so I don't know what to make of the timing. His resignation is effective immediately. President-elect Barack Obama has expressed a willingness to expand Amtrak. Not sure why Kummant would bolt when a new administration was around the corner that has signaled it will fund Amtrak. My guess is he probably got a job offer that was better for him over the long term. The lifespan of an Amtrak CEO has been short so you might as well go when you're on top.

Hunter Biden, VP elect Joe Biden's son, is vice chairman of Amtrak's board. Not that this influenced things but I just did not know this.


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