"N.J., N.Y. governors look to Obama for Hudson tunnel cash"; Courier Post Online
Article on the CourierPostOnline.com about Federal funding for a new tunnel under the Hudson river into NYC. I'd say this will get funded by the Fed for sure in light of Obama's stated economic stimulus plan. This is good, the current tunnel is old, one stuck train hoses everyone, and the traffic it can handle is at maximum. A new tunnel is needed to handle the long term growth of commuting traffic into and out of NYC (though I bet it'll drop over the next couple years). This will benefit the economy along the NEC I feel as well as all commuters coming from the South into NYC, both via Amtrak and New Jersey Transit.
Last I heard, the plan was to build a dead end tunnel that was not going to connect with the Long Island side hence it would only support addn'l NJ Transit traffic. See http://www.accesstotheregionscore.com/ for the plan.
My hope is that the plan will change and that it will be built high enough to support the 'Superliner' coaches that we in the northeast never see because the're too high for the old, low trans-Hudson tunnels.
If you've never ridden in one, you've missed a treat - especially the lounge/observation car!
I, for one, want thestimulus plan to include a real modernization of our rail system, leapfrogging the current state of the art technology and provide 300MPH inter-city trains and 100 MPH commuter rail! Time to live in the 21st century!
Unknown, at 9:41 AM, January 10, 2009
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